Some stay some go but all will know Jesus Christ is LORD – Game is still ON

Once you know the TRUTH, you can never with good conscience go back to the LIE, which places people in bondage.   Lies meant to lead us away from the truth. Lies that once held many of us.  We had learned a small measure of the truth enough to accept Christ as Lord, what if we had all the truth?   The truth that sets us free is we discovered a wonderful God loves us. Like Paul Harvey,   would say,  it is time to hear the rest of the story The suffering we endure is often caused by our own making and man’s dislike for his fellow man; we need new hearts of flesh by taking our hearts of stone that are too heavy to lift us from the earth on the resurrection day which also keeps us down most days and laying them at the cross for a new heart,   a… Read moreSome stay some go but all will know Jesus Christ is LORD – Game is still ON