Priestcraft like Spycraft

In my last post-Spycraft, I mentioned God had the architect’s drawings for the city of Jericho so that HE knew getting the citizens to stand on the walls to watch the Parade every day would add weight and assist HIS people to take the city. If the priests of Jericho had contact with their gods like they claimed, their gods did not give them the heads up,  instead, they made the people of Jericho look foolish, and serving false gods does just that. We need today the weight of the people to tear down the walls of Church and State.    Jesus is coming and only one Government will stand then Isaiah 9: 6-7. God also had the architects drawings of World Trade Centers one and two, and  HE reveals that both those towers were built with HIM in mind that only an act of God could take them down… Read morePriestcraft like Spycraft