The Power of Truth

In the King James, “Truth” is mentioned  237 times in 224 verses in the NASB 188 verses and in the  NIV 127 verses, the ESV 130 verses, the Douay Rheims 281 verses 295 times and the last the Geneva  Bible with only six verses. This information is provided by the software e-Sword that is a free study tool by a wonderful brother in the LORD  Rick Meyers it can be had here at The Geneva Bible came over with the pilgrims, and for a long time, there was a Geneva Bible only movement just as there is a KJV only group today I’m not one of them but my pastor would have you believe I am because he does not like me explaining things or addressing the truth. The Douay Rheims has added books to the Bible that are insignificant to salvation they are historical but not divine in… Read moreThe Power of Truth