Why Socialism? There is a better way.

America seems to be leaning towards an agenda that failed when the early settlers tried it in Jamestown when men don’t benefit from their hard work they tend not to work very hard. When private property was granted work flourished and the colony prospered. Men began to work to better themselves with it came invention and ingenuity to prosper themselves and benefit others. Socialism at Jamestown Virginia Established May 14, 1607 The same holds true of the settlers of the famed Plymouth Plantation who underwent a similar disaster that brought on famine and with that brought death and disease. Socialism in Plymouth Massachusettes  Established in 1620 Both colonies did not have the benefit of NPR radio or newsletters to communicate so both did it independently the results were the same isn’t it odd that history gets it wrong even in who was here first.?  You would think it would matter… Read moreWhy Socialism? There is a better way.