Grigori Rasputin whose hand of judgement? Part two exposing legs of Iron creating an enemy to ally against.

One who looks for power rather than truth understands neither. America was established in 1776 as its own nation without an Emporer or a king over us other than King Jesus we turned the pyramid upside down and challenged the devil to take it, we like Germany of the 1400s began to send out missionaries and teach our children the Bible.  We may have been of different denominations but we all knew, who was for us and who stood against us. The Bible for all our churches was predominantly King James given to us by the Church of England or the Geneva Bible that came over on the Mayflower the Pilgrims insisted that the mass and the Eucharist never hit our shores. Now you know why we have lost freedoms in America and all the souls under the Pope. The Catholic’s had the  Douay–Rheims Bible with their added books. God… Read moreGrigori Rasputin whose hand of judgement? Part two exposing legs of Iron creating an enemy to ally against.