Bind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

How many times have you heard people pray this or show their hate towards him? It is for G-d to bind him it is for us to be aware of him. He is real and so is hell and he has taken his share of souls to hell with him. We are to love our enemies in order to win their souls. Like, Father, I desire that none should perish but free will being what it is heaven has room for everybody but not everybody can get into heaven not when they deny Jesus and truth. The image has two angels taking braided chords to bind him and throw him into the bottomless pit but before that happens G-d needs to complete HIS work in us.  Angels, by the way, can shapeshift I know those sci-fi geeks would really like to know that.  Note that each side has 21 braids we are living in… Read moreBind You Satan in the Name of Jesus