Navigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.

The image is one that shows a galaxy surrounded by larger and smaller circles that represent major and minor prophets who gave us the greatest book ever written,  they surround the greatest treasure found in the four gospels  Matthew, Mark  Luke and John there are five orbits with three planets surrounding the gospel that has reached the most souls John.  The second orbit appears to have no purpose so what gives?  We noted many of the other crop images pointed to Psalms this one is no different Psalm 2:4  The whole Psalm fits the context of my call it is not who I am,  but who I carry. I attended the church today where I first publically confessed my faith in Christ and was Baptized. The same Church where I met my wife was married and dedicated my son in.  A place where a good memory was made and for me, those… Read moreNavigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.