The Ministers of Righteousness

One can not be a servant of the most high G-d if they ignore HIS teachings and not honor HIS commandments. Go forth and multiply was HIS first commandment for man. Satan hates children but knows his church needs them in order to exist. Do as they say not as they do! How many Catholic idols do we need on American front yards before we win the Majority of Muslims and Jews to their kind of “Christianity”? Is that what kind of Christianity we are going for?!? We create our own persecutors by not standing on the word or the truth it reveals. Protestant Christians in China are being persecuted for the Gospel while the mocking of the Son and the sacrifice replays itself out over and over in the state-sanctioned religion of Catholicism. The difference between Russian Communism and Chinese Communism is which church is allowed to thrive. The dragon and his church are… Read moreThe Ministers of Righteousness

Trampling on your Covering

Brothers and Sisters place on your mind of Christ and seek the wisdom of G-d this will enlighten you. King Jesus is the wisest man who ever walked, and those who have HIS SPIRIT  would have access to HIS Wisdom. I keep hearing my minister preach King Solomon was the wisest, and I am praying that he meets King Jesus of scripture and not the Ecumenical one. Jesus died to be our covering and protection from the wrath of G-d to come. I shared with you that throughout history wherever a pyramid went up, a false deity was being served and not the G-d of creation. Here we have the Aztecs (Mexican) a pantheon of gods they served the ones who did not have to work as hard to serve them was the king and the priesthood. Huitzilopochtli (pron. Huit-zi-lo-pocht-li) or ‘Hummingbird of the South’ or ‘Blue Hummingbird on the… Read moreTrampling on your Covering

The Foolishness of Jealousy

Originally I was going to title this the Antichrist wannabees.  Would anyone dare sit under such men who would be jealous of such a call? I did not want this call it would not have been my first choice. It is G-d who must exact justice and judgment on the wicked I seek they be given mercy before the judgment is passed, a chance to hear the whole message and story. After all the dragon and his church kept the word from the masses and it was my constant cry to G-d to save my stepmother’s soul. What chance did she have LORD? She lost her mother at four years of age and was placed in an orphanage with people who knew you not but said they did. The Bible was hidden from her just as it has been with the world because of these false saints who seek to steal kill and… Read moreThe Foolishness of Jealousy