The Church’s Black Friday?!?

How precious it was the moment I first believed. This is the day before Christmas, and all over the world, people are gracing G-d with their presence.  Churches are seeing people they have not seen since Easter.  The message will make them all feel good and bring no conviction to return the following week. You know you have the HOLY SPIRIT in you when you are faithful to honor G-d as HE desires to be honored.  The key word is not only JESUS it is also RESPECT.  RESPECT HIS WORDS.   The Angels are leaving the unfaithful behind. I know children eight and under are sure to be raised up to keep them from being molested by the wicked holy and not so holy men. Tomorrow morning these children will be opening presents, and for a moment, they will understand about the gift of giving. We tell ourselves Christmas is for the… Read moreThe Church’s Black Friday?!?