Brainwashed and television deceived.

I believe in a G-d who is able to speak the worlds into existence, who wanted a family. Let’s face it being alone really is miserable, I envy those big families that stay together because they have a common focal point that keeps drawing them to do so. When G-d insisted on HIS angels to worship HIS SON before the creation of man HE knew long before hand what was needed to keep it all together.  He is a holy G-d who will not have the world system as HIS in heaven.  If it was it would be this for eternity killing, raping and stealing which makes people like me very uneasy that such scum is allowed to even exist. That is their free will,  mine is to honor the words of Jesus which are not limited to the first four new testament books but the entire Bible. Jesus addresses seven churches that HE… Read moreBrainwashed and television deceived.

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear…Testing, testing are these things working?

Men over several years have been bearing witness to seven lamps or balls of light. The Phoenix lights of Arizona were seven in total and FYI a Phoenix was a bird used in the early church to symbolize resurrection.  Senator John McCain from Phoenix Arizona in 2008 secured our Jubilee funds. Nothing says revival better than a jubilee.  The lamps also have been spotted in England making these beautiful images that point to Bible passages. I like Daniel can read the handwriting on the wall and a picture is worth a thousand words. There are actually 1127 words here. Below we have seven Eyes made up of fourteen raised sections.  Two which are in the center highlight the verse G-d is looking at and whom HE is looking for Psalm 14:2. God is seeking the ones who understand. You need eyes to look. Psalms 14:2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children… Read moreEyes to See and Ears to Hear…Testing, testing are these things working?

New Patch On An Old Garment.

Reasons why the world has lost its way. Mark 2:21-22 (21)  No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. (22)  And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles. Some versions refer to wineskins instead of bottles. Claiming the hide of the lambskin stretched while fermentation of the wine was taking place, in an old wineskin the gasses from fermentation would tear the skins that had no more room to stretch. Pentecostals always understand wine represents spirit in this particular parable it is the teaching and message of Christ that the priesthood would not understand that after the final sacrifice of… Read moreNew Patch On An Old Garment.

When they cry peace and safety… We go home!

That’s the sudden destruction, the 144,000 along with Elijah and Enoch help with the ones who were just not smart enough to figure out that the spirit run’s the body, not the brains.  Hopefully, many of our leaders will be joining us on the star ship resurrection. As Allah sets up shop.  Repeat after me… Any peace plan that does not place Christ in the center is Anti-Christ, and so are those who try!   I want you to understand that every time man has tried to have a peace plan worked out in the middle east our nation or the one strategizing the taking or giving of land suffers severe financial disaster in the forms of hurricanes,  floods, earthquakes or oil spills in the gulf.  The Gulf oil spill was because the Vatican bankers Rothchild’s thought they could do it with Obama to the tune of 700 billion dollars wasn’t it… Read moreWhen they cry peace and safety… We go home!

Shining Light on the “Falling Away”

Peace in the middle east is not about giving land or taking land away. Zionism was used to get them back into the Land to set the stage for Anti-Christ the instrument to be used on the wicked,  it is about sending a message to the world that Jesus Christ is on HIS WAY.  HE IS ALIVE and HE is going to exact punishment on the ones who hate HIM and deny them a place in Heaven if they continue to refuse to listen and repent. Israel becoming a nation sent the message to the underworld their time is short. In doing so they rushed to finish and made it just like the wicked system we defeated not more than 70 years ago.   Doing so exposes the hands of Satan and his servants.  Every society needs a leader and Jesus is mine the best leader.  Technology can reach a lot of… Read moreShining Light on the “Falling Away”

My stepfather the carpenter…Revised

The story of G-d has been written into my life,  I do feel honored and at the same time a little apprehensive.   Coincidentally I work in the transportation industry??? So what do I know about leadership?  I do know good leadership when I see it and hear it, they usually have a membership of more than 100 saints.   I know the enemy does not win because G-d is wiser than he could ever be. The goal be ready for the rapture and be separate from the ones in the world. Show the world there is a better way because we know there is.   Since Christianity was hijacked and taken over by the state of Rome that changed.  They assimilated the culture into Christianity and blurred the line of what is holy from what is not. Everything the state touched and claimed was holy became sacred only for a profit…. Read moreMy stepfather the carpenter…Revised

The Two Jesus’s?!?

Is G-d divided against himself? I for one know HE is not.  HE makes it very clear that HE never changes that HE is the same yesterday. today, and forever. So what HE hated in the old testament HE hates today.  Those who have truly come under the blood are under HIS grace and mercy, but not as to mock or offend HIM for those who do such things do not love HIM nor do they know HIM. Names are blotted from the book of life so it is clear they were once written there. Amos 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed? John 14:21 (21)  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Christ finished the work that needed… Read moreThe Two Jesus’s?!?

The oldest profession in the world is…

Not what you think,  but this one is what led to the other which is equally as nasty. The first four chapters of Proverbs deals with the need to obtain and cling to wisdom as one would cleave and love a woman. Just as important as the first four commandments in the ten. Chapter five warns us of the destruction we fall into when we become seduced by outward beauty. Proverbs 5:1-5 (1)  My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: (2)  That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. (3)  For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: (4)  But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. (5)  Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Many beautiful women who have rejected the one… Read moreThe oldest profession in the world is…

Provoking to Anger not Wise at all.

G-d does not like to be provoked to anger, but sin does that. It is the rejection of truth for a lie.  G-d loves us and HE walks in the fullness of truth. The promise of the HOLY SPIRIT is that when HE comes to us HE is there to lead us into all truth. John 16:12-15 (12)  I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. (13)  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.   (14)  He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. (15)  All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine,… Read moreProvoking to Anger not Wise at all.

Technology for Harvest

History reveals that the church has claimed all technology is something the devil is behind. Tell that to the women at the laundromat who gave up the rocks and the washboards or who have oven’s that self-clean.  Our passion to please our women or go to the outer galaxies has inspired our creativity most of it has to do with being made in G-d’s image like our heavenly Father we seek to create.  There is nothing new under the sun, we just discover new uses for it.  The goal is too build the kingdom of G-d. Odd how the devil condemns the things he needs to use in the end.  Like for instance, the Mason’s he needs them to build our churches and act as the bankers to disburse out the 700 billion dollars to the true saints of G-d.  After all, they were once Knight Templars who saw people… Read moreTechnology for Harvest

Concentration Camps in America???

We are a free and open society and something like this you would think would be impossible??? Our leaders would be held accountable, wouldn’t they? Not if they have no fear of G-d.  You would think the news of this would be on one of the many media networks. When John F.Kennedy was assassinated we don’t like to think of it as a coup d’etat but it was. It came after he tried to warn us of an opposing danger a monolithic conspiracy that had its fingers around the world.  He did not just jump out and call them by name because of his mother and her affiliation with them.  Ted Kennedy who survived his two brothers a deal no doubt struck with the devil was noted for creating jobs in Massachusetts by obtaining funds for the big dig and every one was talking about that one while a bigger dig was happening… Read moreConcentration Camps in America???

Knowledge of the Holy

One of the greatest theologians of our time I feel was A.W. Tozer who wrote a book by the same title. I would highly recommend it as a book to have among your favorites when it comes to learning about G-d. One of G-d’s greatest gifts to man was to make us all Royal Priests to himself by allowing us to inspect the sacrifice and find HIM acceptable. G-d certainly did and where would we be if HE wasn’t? Jesus completed the work he needed to perform at the cross the final sacrifice. It was the enemy who began the priesthood on the earth to mold free will to his way.  He had to have willing men who would serve him in the creation and appeasement of these false gods in order to harm the one true G-d whom he was angry with,  not caring for the souls of men… Read moreKnowledge of the Holy

Having A Lazarus Moment

The Bible clearly reveals that we are the “Walking Dead” and it’s not the theatrical version,  today our society has a stronger draw to the subject of death and none towards the subject of life.   We are all like Lazarus before meeting the Master who summons us to awaken to life and life more abundantly.  It is the Church’s job to take off the wrappings that bind us.  If G-d sends us help or tools in order to do it we should not keep it from those in need. Only evil vile men would do such a thing and they are not hard to spot! Below we have a crop circle one shows a holy image and the other is not. Four spirits are going towards the one who is not holy to make a delivery of an unrepentant sinner.  The lines of the abyss are four,  the spirits are four…. Read moreHaving A Lazarus Moment