HE Raised Up The Dust To Worship HIM

We are told of a war that takes place before man is introduced to the world, a free will agent who carried the Spirit of G-d throughout the congregation. He rebels and insists there is no Son and to worship HIM is unnecessary to have a society. YE of little faith. G-d knew HE would have to reveal the SON eventually and in doing so death would be introduced to the creation.  Death truly began when the rebellion got underway.  The rebellion brought death into the creation it rebelled against the author of life.  Who warned that to see the face of G-d one would surely perish.  They insisted on seeing the SON which meant removing the lamps from Lucifer and placing them into whom we know as the light of the world. He hates us because not only are we made in G-d’s image but we begin our new life carrying the… Read moreHE Raised Up The Dust To Worship HIM

We Will Be Held Accountable

Psalms 103:12  As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. If one were to walk east, he would never walk west unless he turns around.  G-d removes our transgressions (our sins) from us who place their faith in the FINISHED work of Christ. He does not throw them north for those who begin talk north will eventually walk south until they face north again and run right back into their sin that kept them from G-d. On a flat earth that could not happen, so why bother mentioning where they are thrown if it is not circular? The enemy does not want the world to see his sin lying out there in Egypt he is much better at pointing ours out to us and laying the guilt trip. Well, what goes around comes around.  How embarrassing.  I am so glad Jesus has… Read moreWe Will Be Held Accountable

Coloring the races globalists are right.

Red and Yellow Black and White we are precious in his sight and the reason globalism is right. I’ve had my fill of the flat earth folk and I did not realize how many non elect there actually were.  Considering how many went after the one with all the precious stones and believed he was G-d or knew G-d?  G-d let his creature dress up in order to expose him and look how many went after him protecting him and defending him. Job 26:7  He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. We all began the same after the flood.  Noah’s Son’s had wives and gave birth to all the races.  The races began after the scattering of Babylon.  Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord and the priesthood held him up as the choice of G-d to be the ruler.   Throughout history, the priesthood placed leaders… Read moreColoring the races globalists are right.

I Got Distracted with NASA Hang In there Queen of England I need to make sure you are not the Antichrist Flat Earthers say you are.

Like you never got distracted? Someone said in the flat earth videos that the name  Nasa meant deceiver in Hebrew. However,  I could not find that reference in my concordance or Hebrew-English dictionaries. We are at the precipice of the end of the world and the debate is not about what began it? Everyone is getting away from what is more important.   It began with is the SON of GOD necessary to be worshiped in order to have a Society?  Let’s talk about something that really matters more to G-d.  What value do you place on HIS SON’s Honor? I say it is priceless,  what say you? Then you won’t mind if I just have the world a little while before we go home? Because the truth is the Son of G-d does not belong in the dirt or the shadow of a round or a flat earth. The… Read moreI Got Distracted with NASA Hang In there Queen of England I need to make sure you are not the Antichrist Flat Earthers say you are.