This news is the only news we need to know!

Jesus is Lord the Plan of God. A story that never changes and brings hope and comfort to all. You can be sure what Jesus did for you was not fake. While Politics has become like the World Wrestling Federation only the less gifted believe it. Below I have placed four YouTube video’s one deals with actual UFO’s only seen as balls of light.  A light that has been seen by millions yet no explanation?  The second shows people with super powers like Benny Hinn,  are angels among us? The traffic cams caught a few so I say yes they’re here.  The last a man I would like to walk with and be his friend.  If he doesn’t know Jesus I would be surprised,  by the time we are done he will as will many others. His two videos deal with the truth and my Father rejoices in the truth…. Read moreThis news is the only news we need to know!

The High Cost of Cheap Prices

Fun Fact: The Metric System according to History had its start in the 16th and 17th centuries (History of the Metric System).  However, we find the original first pyramid built without its top on (incomplete) has the outer diameter distance from its inner diameter the value of the speed of light in the metric standard. This was the beginning of the New World Order the one that claimed the Son of G-d was not necessary to have a peaceful society. I know you’re out there,  I know you can hear me.  I’m not going to tell you how this is going to end you already know,  it’s the bottomless pit.  What I am going to tell you is that I am going to tell everyone about you and just how very real and horrible hell is and what your plans are.  ~Babel not Neo All images can be enlarged by selecting them to… Read moreThe High Cost of Cheap Prices