Why doesn’t G-d give us more evidence of his existence?

This topic was the subject line of a recent email, and I wanted to respond by placing this post on the matter. HIS evidence is all around us of HIS existence. He is about to in a very big way reveal Himself to us all.  The story of what happened in heaven is laid out in the nations along with the people groups we are confronted with in these last days. By the time you finish this, you may become Born Again many are praying that you will. The fulfillment of prophecy is a clear indicator that HE is in control and knows what is happening. With the rising of the White Horse given a crown and a bow without arrows in Revelation 6 ties nicely into the man in Daniel 8:23, they are the same and both Kings. King’s do not necessarily have to be from Earth; this one… Read moreWhy doesn’t G-d give us more evidence of his existence?