What’s this all about?

We need to let others know why the crop circles were made so that we can fund the harvest. To celebrate our Jubilee, our inheritance will tell the Jehovah Witnesses they were wrong, as it will the Mormon’s. The church that we will be taking the wealth from will also come into the kingdom after having exposed themselves as frauds and repented properly. Those who supported her will receive nothing, come out of her my people says the LORD. True men of G-d see the value in the truth, as one man is lifted the word of G-d is opened and repentance called for. Darkness seeks its leadership on the top and G-d calls his leadership from the bottom. If using firefox or another browser that does not render properly use the link below and share with others. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FM2F1xGNI9NNrYbapa_aMHkx_TTIs-GPaDYr75RohiY/pub?start=false&loop=true&delayms=60000

G-d’s Clock Says Times UP.

Time is up for man he has had 6000 years to complete his governments and Jesus is coming to set up HIS. I did this first clock half fast, and Jesus came to me to help me do it right. First, one is me. The other is the Lord instructing me. Always me jumping the gun that’s because I’m so excited… Aren’t you? When Jesus came to me and said, “tag you’re it.” Thinking it was my turn to hide??? I am just so bad at this game of hide and seek. I started telling everyone where to find me. Just like Adam he hid didn’t even give Father a challenge.  Adam came the first time he was called a lesson we should all learn. Father and the angels perfected the game of hide and seek. Only thing is. HE is not the one who does most of the hiding…. Read moreG-d’s Clock Says Times UP.