Hallowed Ground Where Devils dare not Tread.

There are places demons cannot go it is called hallowed ground for a very good reason G-d has secured it for himself. If you are a born-again believer and know that the Holy Spirit has entered you and taken up residence in your heart and mind, then automatically you are hungry to fill this new man / spirit with holy food which we know as the word of G-d. The enemy cannot claim what G-d has made his. What he can do is oppress and rob you of a closer walk by having you unknowingly offend G-d. This is a clever device on his part because so many others are doing it that it seems harmless, when, in fact, it is a door for more separation. He knows that G-d will not be mocked and those who do, don’t get super sized. The other is the condemnation of you for… Read moreHallowed Ground Where Devils dare not Tread.