When does it become confirmation?

When a person receives a call from G-d when does it stop being a delusion for others and start to become a confirmation? Once confirmed that the individual is called of G-d it is usually customary to gather the elders anoint the man with oil pray a blessing of protection over him and assist in the call by letting others know of it as well.   My pastor whom I love may not discern truth as well as he claims.  I sense that it has a lot more to do with  the harlot than anything else. She seduces many like him because of her splendor and beauty, I assure you it is all outward,  inside, she is only thinking of her own needs.  When will we stop judging by size and appearance and see the very heart of the matter? Christ went to the heart of the problem. He did not… Read moreWhen does it become confirmation?