It comes in threes or building a better mousetrap.

People say the damnedest things, one of them is when someone dies that it comes in threes. We are facing the next WWIII could this just be a coincidence along with the uprising of 666? Is it not the will of G-d that he be known to all? Does G-d not insist in his triune existence as one G-d revealed in three person’s Father,  Son and Holy Spirit?  Is not twelve divided by three equal to four, which are the number of sides found on a pyramid? The star of David can create three equal sized pyramids each with four sides and this is no coincidence. Do not  the first four commandments pertain to each of the G-dhead? Those whom break them are unwise and do not deserve to be followed honored or even respected. Those who teach others to break the commandments or follow those whom do will be… Read moreIt comes in threes or building a better mousetrap.