Time is running down.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (16)  All scripture is given by inspiration of G-d, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (17)  That the man of G-d may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. The Bible is G-d’s word and this is just one of those famous 3:16’s and like the other that is rarely seen the 3:17 here is often overlooked as well.  Odd how Satan works in and through us to do these things. John 3:17 is often overlooked which is the verse of  greater value because it deals why John 3:16 is there to begin with. A Conductor of an Orchestra has only so many beats of music to work with afterwards the crescendo to the final closing piece.  If the Maestro fails and the work sours, then the audience blames him. Should G-d’s Maestro fail Him G-d will seek another… Read moreTime is running down.

Caesar worship a continued pagan cult.

Audio coming but pictures are always worth more than words. Featured image is of a traitor in the Kingdom of G-d whom never knew Christ. Here he takes his spirit shaped wafer known as the body of Christ.  The true body of Christ are those whom are born again and honor the law by not placing stumbling blocks in the path of the blind. However, when your blind yourself you are unaware you serve the wicked one. The image in the audio file is the angels attacking the three branches of Government in the U.S. Because the Caesar has taken it by corruption. Pagan’s using the Son of G-d as their weapon of intimidation. The names have changed the similarities to people now living or dead are purely non coincidental, the express opinions found here are Holy Spirit revelations to set the world on spiritual fire while setting people free… Read moreCaesar worship a continued pagan cult.

Time is a trap…There’s no time to slumber.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of G-d is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; We are running out of time to bring in the harvest. The individuals who share their faith cannot reach the world’s population in time before the rapture. This will leave countless millions behind to suffer because ministers don’t understand what needs to be done to get the gospel spread to the whole world in time. Before Christ returns we will need direction as to how to accomplish reaching the world for Christ, I was born for such a task. Many lack faith in G-d’s plan they don’t understand it.  Those souls left behind will be easier targets for the enemy to tag and bag as his own for all eternity. Delaying G-d’s choice for a Protestant king from doing his work will cost the kingdom souls… Read moreTime is a trap…There’s no time to slumber.

Combining forces…We are not alone.

There are angels among us… Hebrews 13:2  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. I have attended churches and have noticed them sitting in among us,  in this message we will look closely at how to spot them and what it is that gives them away.  One thing is certain they love G-d and don’t get enough of His word. They shall come forth as Jesus promised to bring in the final harvest Matthew 13:49. They know who I am and who I am to G-d,  the more they hear the truth of what took place in Egypt the more will come to remember that fatal day that G-d moved the mountains and shook the hills at his wrath at the great offense. The Son of G-d shall never be anyone’s pet! Psalms 1:1-6 (1) Blessed is the man that walketh not in the… Read moreCombining forces…We are not alone.

Women demand equality…

Women play a crucial role in the final harvest because they help identify Satan and his crowd.  When Jesus was here he took careful interest in the honoring and respecting of women.  Always remember what G-d said to Adam. Genesis 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; G-d did not say you couldn’t touch it, then why did Eve say it? Genesis 3:3 Adam fed the fire when he told Eve not to touch it. Upon touching it, she did not die. It only led to the next conclusion; he lied to me. It is a common mistake most women make about their… Read moreWomen demand equality…

Let’s talk solitaire…

  I call them as I see them…After praying years on this I am finally ready to reveal its message.  We are admonished in the scriptures to flee youthful lusts. 2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. We are given a list of those who will not make it into heaven and fornicators who commit acts of fornication is on that list 1 Corinthians 6:9. Fret not there is hope for everyone, even they. Sex is a hot button issue who is anyone to tell us how to behave sexually or what we can do in our private moments?  That fact is G-d created it to serve a purpose and making it pleasurable was part of that plan.  Circumcision was part of G-d’s covenant with Abraham not only did it provide a… Read moreLet’s talk solitaire…

Time Travel…Yep been done, have proof.

Isaiah 46:10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ -NIV My favorite numbers 4,  6 and 10 finding peace,  we can get there from here. Four deals with the first four commandments that honor Him.  Six the number for man and the commandment man breaks continually “Though shalt not kill.” Isaiah 46:9-13 KJV (9)  Remember the former things of old: for I am G-d, and there is none else; I am G-d, and there is none like me, (10)  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (11)  Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea,… Read moreTime Travel…Yep been done, have proof.

A spaceship? Kind of…

This was one of the earliest crop circles made and because they were so new,  people did not know what to make of them. G-d would be furthest from the mind that is held  in darkness and if darkness was going to have a say it would not conceive G-d as being the author of such elaborate designs. If the prince of darkness knew it was G-d behind them those in darkness would buy any lie he said. He would even send in counterfeiters to disguise the originals that is what he does with religion as well.  He makes many phonies some foolish and some not so foolish,  because he sees men as unintelligent and he dumbs them down to steal their souls. Isaiah 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and… Read moreA spaceship? Kind of…

One dies so that many may live.

It is common in any war that a man gives his life so that others may live,  in America we once fought to keep freedom, to protect our way of life for the constitution and the bill of rights that every citizen would be ensured that his family had access to the American dream. The right to own his own piece of land. To chose his leaders to improve his way of life.  Each individual had access to better themselves with the ability to reach for the highest position without fearing tyrannical oppression. Many people in the world left their country to live under this kind of freedom. Countless millions of American soldiers fought and died for us to each have an equal opportunity to pursue  life,  liberty and happiness. Unfortunately some never have enough they use their wealth to make more wealth only they don’t know how to share… Read moreOne dies so that many may live.

What Left Behind Left Out

Solar storms that can cripple electronics,  the goal is to save souls not kill them with driver less cars and planes falling out of the sky.  We have early warning detection should such a storm approach one severe enough that can do great damage to our transportation and communication systems.  Planes can be grounded and cars refuse to start should an EMP pulse strike. My G-d is merciful and just he is aware of what is happening and what his enemy is up to at all times.  Taking life with random acts of violence before they had a chance to repent or hear the message of salvation is the other guys doing not G-d’s. Follow the three simple passages as outlined in 2nd Thessalonians 2. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 (1)  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, (2) … Read moreWhat Left Behind Left Out

Red rider takes peace from the earth???

I really hate to be a stick in the mud or throw gum into the works and we are certainly not talking Ralphie, who dreams of owning a Red Rider BB gun. But don’t you must first have peace in order to have it taken away? Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. War has been with us from the beginning when Mr. Sparkles claimed you did not need to worship the Son in order to have peace. It is a war that began in heaven when one group decided they wanted to separate from those who worshiped the Son in truth and start their own community with their own brand of truth rooted in… Read moreRed rider takes peace from the earth???

Breaking out of the Matrix…We are not alone.

In this image, we are going to find a Holy Oracle to ask it a question and receive an answer. You alone must find the door that leads to eternal life. There is a very important individual who Neo must meet in order to find out if he is the one. She is called in the movie the “Oracle” a great call needs to be supported with evidence, encouragement and in the case of the Church leadership a laying on of hands. oracle noun 1. (especially in ancient Greece) an utterance, often ambiguous or obscure, given by a priest or priestess at a shrine as the response of a god to an inquiry. 2. the agency or medium giving such responses. 3. a shrine or place at which such responses were given:  the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. 4. a person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential… Read moreBreaking out of the Matrix…We are not alone.

The enemy is revealing his fear and I will win.

Satan fears the truth because the truth sets people free. Recently, I noticed a new trend in the triangle / slash pyramid in the upside-down position. Good is made to look evil, Satan is making the inverted position synonymous with evil. I had first seen his obvious attack on my person in the movie “Oblivion” with our resident Scientologist “Tome Cruise” who is obviously drenched in “Thetans” In the move the Alien entity is an inverted pyramid named “Sally” opposed to what I refer to him as “Lucy.” However, the show stealer was a Bobble head named “Bob” whom I thought was a great supporting cast member is it any coincidence; we share the same name… I think not. In the television series “Person of Interest”  the bad guys are targeted by the computer with an inverted pyramid. Someone at work told me a recent episode of  “South Park” seemed… Read moreThe enemy is revealing his fear and I will win.

For peace to take hold, step two organize…

The Banner for the House of G-d

Take a lesson from the world solidarity can make others take notice.  The church must organize around the idea that Jesus is returning to set up a kingdom where he has full authority.  The world will be given two choices our new world order or theirs.  Theirs is a duplicate of Nazi Germany only it will be all Jews,  Christians and all others who refuse the mark of commerce. Revelation 13:16-17  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. G-d has laid out his plans in England as to what he desires to happen in order to get the witness of what is coming out… Read moreFor peace to take hold, step two organize…

For peace to take hold, step one eleminate confusion…

If G-d is in control,  than he is choosing the one. If the kingdoms of the earth are his and all within the earth belongs to him and that he may give them to whom he desires,  than it will be to the one whom he desires. 1 Corinthians 14:33 For G-d is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. James 3:16  For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. G-d only confounded the languages at the tower of Babel.  The confusion takes place at the thought that man can of his own labor work his way into heaven.  Heaven is where a holy and just G-d lives, which will not allow rebellion or evil to reside, or it wouldn’t be heaven; it would be earth. A Father who is all loving and kind protects his children… Read moreFor peace to take hold, step one eleminate confusion…