What’s better a billion cookies or a billion dollars?

Now, before you start raising the price on those cookies consider the labor involved the cost of materials and equipment,  there is also the cost of storage and distribution?

If the cookies are freely given to you then of course as a Christian you are freely giving the cookie away.  Freely you have received, freely give.  It is a gift,  not a profit-making adventure we are after all trying to touch the heart of the individual with the love of Jesus to win a soul into the kingdom for all eternity.

Now we are not manufacturing timepieces but if we were we would make sure every gear and piece were where it needed to be and working as it should, or the work would be entirely fruitless.

Do we want to prepare for Santa Claus return or that of the return of Jesus?  Knowing what is more important can also determine which is better for the more discerning among us. The cookies or the cash.

Don’t let the cookie monster in you decide for you,  seek the living G-d.  Though the living G-d want’s you to know about the monster that may be in you.  Only the Antichrist would offer the world no hope and keep G-d’s word from others in need of hearing it.  Is emotion more important than the word or truth?

“Have a cookie you will feel right as rain.” ~ The Oracle in the Movie the Matrix.

My favorite scene in the movie the Matrix is when the Oracle says to Neo. “You’re cuter than I thought,  I can see why she likes you.”, Neo, “Who?”  Oracle, “Not too bright, though.”

There is only one woman in Neo’s life at this point she is called Trinity, and every great story has a great romance brewing within it.  You are the object of the greatest love story ever written and someone is robbing you of knowing that.

This one has all the elements of the movie there is only one door that leads out. The floor is a path and the walls ask a question while the ceiling answers it. We have the stars Trinity, an Oracle and the answer to life.

Helping someone hear from G-d is a critical part of the call, this is the last warning we are giving. One message was when we sent men on a missions trip, and when they arrived they did not have the equipment available to get the job done.  Needless to say,  the job they went to do did not get done because they lacked the materials to do the job. Is there a message from G-d in this?

A messenger handed to a “spirit filled” man a bag of trash she told him to pick from it and she would tell him the treasure it meant to her.  Isn’t that what G-d does with us? He takes us from the trash heap and turns us into treasure? Was G-d maybe saying to this man,  you have taken his treasure and have treated it like trash? Was there a message from G-d in this and which was it,  given the other two,  the cookies and the mission trip?

Sampson lost his strength with his hair cut and Daniel would not have been made the third most important individual in Babylon had he not read the handwriting on the wall.  Part of being spiritual is being able to read the signs.

Daniel 5:7 The king summoned the enchanters, astrologers and diviners. Then he said to these wise men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck, and he will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”

Submitting to the will of another who does not honor the will of G-d can be disastrous, the first covering cherub did it, Adam did it as well, they both gave into another’s will other than G-d’s looked what happened.  I learn by observation,  had Adam said nothing to Eve his authority could have restored her after all he was the title deed holder to the whole Earth,  the man in charge.

Because he made it her burden as well in so doing he added to what G-d originally said; he added more than what G-d required of him.  The enemy had his moment to trip them up and cause the fall.  Wisdom is referred to in the Bible as a woman Proverbs chapter 8.

When the creature rebelled, women were not present it was going against what G-d had required of him,  he compromised and got taken in by the congregation of which he was sent to bring worship back to the throne .  Jesus treated them with great love and respect. He did not hold them guilty of the fall when clearly he tells Adam in Genesis 3:17 it was his fault the curse came,  not her’s. G-d had lost a friend, and I am not going to go that route I really like being G-d’s friend.

Restoring what the enemy stole will take cunning obedience to the will of G-d.  Women get their day and revenge when they begin to prepare the Bride of Christ and make her ready for the bridegroom. Jesus is coming for a spotless bride not beaten and bruised.  What kind of G-d do you think we serve? Is your interpretation of HIS word from the position of darkness? Have you become so Catholicized in your ecumenism you see him as punishing G-d more than a loving G-d and an extremely merciful one?

Could it be what the devil meant for evil G-d meant for good?

Is the HOLY SPIRIT in you telling you to offer no hope to a lost and dying world? Did he tell you to sit on the crop circles not share the two hundred plus circles that point to the Psalms , Proverbs, and passages in Scripture? Am I to be your puppet and bend to your will,  will that win your soul and set free the souls of the world? Am I to be your instrument and not G-d’s instrument of judgment against the wicked? Then you could go on pretending to know HIM when clearly you do not know HIM as well as you think,  if the symbolism is lost on you then aren’t you lost as well?   There is value in truth,  England and America held the greatest truth and were rewarded accordingly with prosperity.

I hold the greatest truth and have been given the greatest reward for it.  But I am to now say I am a liar and must side with your understanding of G-d and what may have or not have happened before the creation of man?  I’m sticking with what G-d has shown me and reveals openly in the circles,  after all,  it is all part of the great falling away. If HE is lifted up HE will draw all men to himself. I don’t need a peace plan but your Jesus does, will you stick with the ecumenical Jesus or the Jesus of scripture?

It was actually the very thing that bit them in the wilderness that Moses placed on a staff and had them look at,  a serpent. When G-d starts parading me around a lot of people are going to be healed as well. I’m talking a deep soul healing a physical healing comes after the word goes forth than the signs and wonders follow.  The serpent gets me after the harvest to punish the wicked.  Letting a leader already on top of the hill,  deal out justice is not G-d’s way at all, HE is glorified when HE makes the decisions. The enemy must concede to G-d’s will if he desires to get his seven years we are to never concede to his will of compromise when it comes to the word of truth. Jesus left three and a half years to finish HIS seven to submit to someone who doesn’t get it,  would mean I don’t get it.

And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.
(Daniel 8:12)

Seven arms of half eaten Eucharists with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to through the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.
Seven arms of half eaten Eucharist with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to throw the enemy into the bottomless pit. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2.


Have a cookie you will feel right as rain, Here we have a Baptist traitor the cookie can not save him from his history of infidelity only the truth can and that he needs to truly repent.
Have a cookie you will feel right as rain, Here we have a Baptist traitor,  the cookie can not save him from his history of infidelity only the truth can and that he needs to truly repent.

Is there a message from G-d in this about the cookies? Will whom it is directed to get it this time?  Maybe he is waiting for true saints to rise up banging on his your door to set the captives free that he refuses to do so because he sided with the ecumenical harlot agenda of leaving them all behind.  The harlot has the peace plan embedded in who they are and will  never figure it out because they know not love Roman(

The harlot has the peace plan embedded in who they are and they will  never figure it out because they know not love,  Roman(ce).  That is why it will take the women to change the world and prepare the bride,  men do not do this well they like war and guns.  So men you need to protect the women. So they can get the job that needs to be done,  done.   Make sure the world knows what we are up to and insist on gun ownership for all,   don’t let them think taking the mark is without consequence.   I understand human nature too and I also know when someone is conning me about their relationship to G-d. If you don’t know you are in a love story than you do not know G-d.  If you see G-d’s work and hide it do you serve G-d? If you call the opening G-d’s word evil than who is really the evil one?

I understand human nature too and I also know when someone is conning me about their relationship to G-d. If you don’t know you are in a love story than you do not know G-d.  If you see G-d’s work and hide it, do you serve G-d? If you call the opening of G-d’s word in a supernatural way evil than who is really the evil one?


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