God Will Not Partner With Sin

A minister brought this truth up in the last Sunday’s service that I attended. How does the ecumenical Church reconcile HIS word on this subject? The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted. Psalm 12:8 Joseph Biden is a good Catholic and he has a whole Church of Priests to support him and say so. The featured image is what sin looks like to our HOLY GOD, it’s abrasive, it cuts,  it harms others it spreads like a virus, and the only cure to stop its spread is a new heart that only can be given us when we receive Jesus into ours, be born of HIS Spirit to guide and direct our paths.  First, we must value and cleanse ourselves in HIS precious blood and see that God’s wrath meant for us was placed on HIM.  With this light and new heart should come a… Read moreGod Will Not Partner With Sin

The Magic Box vs the Card Trick

When Daniel was in Babylon he was well respected and his prophecies recorded along with his visions.  Educating what we discover later as the Magi (we get our word Magic from) who understanding the prophecies followed the star to Bethlehem that led them to Christ the MOST HIGH GOD! Who was birthed in a manger to identify with every human being.  He gave up his riches and glories of heaven to be here to show God’s love to you. I am not Jesus,  nor do I ever wish to be,  but I know a bad trick when I see it. Usually when a Magician takes to the stage with his magic box the person who enters it,  is either vanished or transformed.  The box I am befuddled by is the one where a person goes in and comes out the same as he went in nothing happened,  and here is… Read moreThe Magic Box vs the Card Trick

Business Card Evangelism

  He looks nervous. God desires that none should perish; missing the next most significant event on God’s calendar would be such a tragedy the whole purpose of it all was to bring us to this. There are two new sites up to help with getting as many to the cross as possible in the shortest amount of time that I am allotted. I am about my Father’s business that’s why the websites and the business cards are to get them there.   No matter where you are. For example, the political and judicial arenas will pick up JUDGEMENTCOMING.COM or GR44GOVERNING.ORG, the technology arenas will go for the SERVEROFALL.COM, while the agriculturalists in us all will go for CROPCIRCLE.INFO (isn’t it time we knew what those were really all about)? Then we have the clergy who miss the point entirely pick up Link2Truth.COM or Link2One.com, the financial districts, and the Jewish… Read moreBusiness Card Evangelism

American Mercy

We ended WWII by revealing to the world the power of the United States of America by dropping two nuclear devices on two cities, wiping out 105,000 souls in an instant. Before doing so, we dropped leaflets in both cities, warning them what was headed their way. What no gospel tracts??? It was America, after all, a Christian Nation. We could at least have given them some hope of an afterlife. The angels and I are doing it before we unleash the full extent of our power. The image you see is found in fallout shelters everywhere; it is the universal sign for radiation which burns the flesh right off the bone of a man or a woman; children are just as susceptible to it. The plague in Zecharia eludes to this kind of weapon. Zechariah 5:1-4 KJV (1) Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold… Read moreAmerican Mercy

Children Belong to God

  A rattle comforts a crying child, and we are called the children of God. We lose children in wars and other violent ways. Fear not; they are in a better place—more about this after the Psalms that this crop circle highlights. The rattle handle has three circles, so it is the trinity holding it out to a spirit. Let’s find out whose spirit this touches.  When I first saw it, it touched mine. We are counting the…

Carrier of Precious Cargo ~ Pricelessupdated

This is a steering wheel on top of the symbol we use to describe the Trinity. Oddly I am in the transportation industry. I make sure that the cargo is secure and that the load gets to its appointed destination, and might I add safely. So with that in mind, we are not taking those who offend God into heaven with us, and why would we? My last name is Beaulieu; it means “beautiful place,” it was not…

Reading the Bible for Yourself is Fundamental More Light Added

The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results every time. It has been over 2000 thousand years the ones who want to control have been doing the same thing, and the same results happen. Note the S patterns are they for Salvation or Slaying in the Spirit?  We do have a passage here that addresses that very topic. Which of the two is more Important? The center of this book has 24 raised…

Improved Lights Entering the World to Light the Way For Christ.

Well, not improved; after all, Jesus Christ created all the animals.  Man can’t do that with all his high-tech gear. We can make life and take life away. However, that was part of the fall, the first one that is. There have been three significant fallings since God began this.   I only said they were improved to draw your attention to them and get somebody’s goat, and he knows who he is. This is a continuation of Sharing the…

Stop Messing With Israel

The raised blast particles are 27 or two 77 the other seven make up the bomb 777. Psalm 27:1-14 (note 2×7 is 14) This works out really well when rightly dividing the word of God. Psalm 14:1-7 (14/2=7) we will divide the world and destroy the wicked using Israel as the Standard, God’s woman who gave us a SON. 27 plus the bombs seven sections places us at the final and third Psalm 34:1-22 Psalm 34:7. God is…

A Crown of Thorns

12 thorny points 6 inner to make up the weave that’s  18 John 18 talks about his arrest and how HIS kingdom is not of this world and neither is mine or those who have been called. Inside the center, there is a spiritual one as well kind of like us you can’t see the Spirit but you know HE’s there. 18 plus 12 places us in Psalm 30:1-12 emphasis on verse 3. The beauty of this is…