Rejoicing in the Justice of God.

Any person who sees the truth and chooses to hide it is a servant of the darkness; the Lord Jesus made it very clear that the devil, our adversary, is a liar and the father of lies. This same Jesus told HIS disciples to call no man father Matthew 23:9 while He was rebuking the religious people in their day. Fully aware of what the future held and HIS enemies’ false Church that ignores the second commandment and has it removed from their ten. How does this please Jesus? Yet I am peer pressured into joining with the traitors or excusing the ugly truth of who they represent. Let me remind you Jesus came for the Jewish people first who rejected HIM that we may be saved.  HE has never rejected them, and HE would never place an offense in their path. The time of the gentiles has ended, and… Read moreRejoicing in the Justice of God.

Is There a Penalty for Silencing the Watchman?

How oxy Mormon of me. My mastery of the English language leaves me often doubtful of my calling.  I check all my writing by using a program called Grammarly. As a child, I attended school with only a few poker chips, and those which I had,  I hung on to tightly. I  mostly got by with my wit, good looks, and charm. While many students with good families and positive affirmation came to school with pockets full of chips, and it was OK if they got something wrong, they would go home and have their chips replaced.  I know I was not the only one; many of you know what I am speaking about you lived it too. I couldn’t afford to get it wrong because I went home every day to a casino that did not pay out. It ran late hours, leaving little time for sleeping, and I… Read moreIs There a Penalty for Silencing the Watchman?

40 Years With Jesus is it My Time to Move into the Promised Land?

May 1982, I was 23 years old when I gave my life to Christ and was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT 5+19+82+23 = 129 Psalm 129 5 (1+9)(8+2)(2+3) 5 55 55 5 When I began to cry out to Abba Father, knowing that my true HOLY FATHER was not on Earth, but HIS throne is in Heaven with HIS only SON by HIS right hand. Psalm 110:1 HIS Spirit sent back on Pentecost to finish the work. I claim Psalm 23:5 for my enemies are many who seek me to bow before the image of the beast who was once covered with every precious stone and swore that he would give those who followed him power dominions and kingdoms. He is a liar from the beginning.  During the war in heaven, he was stripped of his position and his precious stones taken from him.  Because he sought the seat at… Read more40 Years With Jesus is it My Time to Move into the Promised Land?

Leonard Bernstein Was Born in Lawrence Massachusettes.

My stepmother was also born in Lawrence, Mass. He was eight years her senior. Bernstein was a composer best known for the movie we all watched in school, “West Side Story” my Son and I attended the Symphony of the Americas Gershwin & Bernstein’s Broadway while we vacationed in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. It was a vacation like no other for over 23 years. I never took a real break to pamper myself. I gave one week a year to counsel or usher at the Christian Film Festivals of America.  Several Churches got involved, and we would lead others to Christ and direct them to a Church in their community. We handed the Pastor of the Church their counseling information for follow-up. I absolutely adored the ministry. We never sent anyone to a Catholic Church, and the way the ecumenical thing works out, we really didn’t have to. The performance was… Read moreLeonard Bernstein Was Born in Lawrence Massachusettes.

A Model Church for the Whole World

Setting captives free requires one not to bow down to the image of the beast. Doing so causes spiritual blindness; having once been covered with all precious stones, he seduces many with his outward appearance. While inwardly they are ravenous wolves, his image is here and has been for a long time, and many have been drawn by it and killed by it. We see them doing it again.  Why couldn’t they just let America alone to send out its missionaries? Instead they seduced us with a few good stands which are only works on controversial issues? We lose sight of the actual plan and purpose. They play both sides its double-minded behavior, and no one wins. The souls lost are the fallout from not being single-minded. We can build Churches just like this one.  I have three huge properties I set my sights on right here in New England… Read moreA Model Church for the Whole World

Debtors Prison No More Bailouts for Americans It’s China’s Money This Time. The same wicked people are at it again.

Light does not leave others sitting in the dark! If you do not know what is going on ask someone who does. Our only hope is to call upon Jesus and make the first departure. They that call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! China has the second-highest rate of transplants in the world with more than 10,000 procedures performed every year, however, the combined number of registered organ donors and the organs from executed prisoners does not account for all the operations. An exhibition of preserved human corpses in Birmingham may have included political prisoners executed in China, according to British parliamentarians. So you think socialized medicine is a good thing for America?  The Obama Campaign and health reform are how Biden got into the Whitehouse after the Bailout with our tax dollars, and the ones behind it knew we would bail them out. See the… Read moreDebtors Prison No More Bailouts for Americans It’s China’s Money This Time. The same wicked people are at it again.

The Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

April 10th, 2022, was Palm Sunday Easter week, and I had chosen to spend it with my only son. We met up in Ft. Lauderdale; he flew in from California. He is my only lineage, past or present that I have known whom I have not seen in nearly seven years. I would undoubtedly see more of him if the Church could only embrace this excellent plan of God of compelling the lost to come in. Men do war, and Women do weddings. Which is God more glorified by? Just saying. Maybe it’s time for the woman to shine; they have been blamed for the fall from the beginning when God made it clear to Adam,  “BECAUSE I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT OF IT.” Last year, I heard the devil was busy making sure women knew their place. Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or blemish,… Read moreThe Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

The Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

April 10th, 2022, was Palm Sunday Easter week, and I had chosen to spend it with my only son. We met up in Ft. Lauderdale; he flew in from California. He is my only lineage, past or present that I have known whom I have not seen in nearly seven years. I would undoubtedly see more of him if the Church could only embrace this excellent plan of God of compelling the lost to come in. Men do war, and Women do weddings. Which is God more glorified by? Just saying. Maybe it’s time for the woman to shine; they have been blamed for the fall from the beginning when God made it clear to Adam,  “BECAUSE I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT OF IT.” Last year, I heard the devil was busy making sure women knew their place. Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or blemish,… Read moreThe Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

The 33’s of Scripture

You will find many places where 33 has a significant position in scripture. It was the age of Jesus (ancient of days) when HIS body was torn, and his death took place on the cross. However, it was only for three days; HE would be in the grave. Death cannot hold the author of love and life; that same Spirit that dwelt in Christ and raised HIM from the dead is the same Spirit we are supposed to receive when we commit our hearts to HIM, a Spirit we carry and protect from the things that would devour us. He is the word, and we are called to honor the word and respect its revelations. 33 is just perfection split down the middle with one half turning on the other. God turned HIS back on HIS only begotten SON as the sin of those who received HIM as LORD and… Read moreThe 33’s of Scripture

He Will Destroy the Mighty and the Holy People

How adding a word or subtracting a word from the word of God can change its meaning and purpose.  God warned us not to alter HIS word laypeople have less to be concerned than the teachers over them.  We know the teachers will be held more accountable the parable of this could very well be the baker in prison with Joseph as we know that there will be an abundance of heads in the tribulation that will roll. The word WONDERFULLY is missing from the Post’s headline; there is nothing wonderful about destroying mighty men or HOLY people. The dark sentence is this sentence, and they are wicked mighty men and wicked holy people there is beauty in the breaking when awakened. Daniel 8:23-24 Whatever did the baker do that was so wrong? Did the Pharoah receive food from a distant land before his guest arrived, and the baker continued… Read moreHe Will Destroy the Mighty and the Holy People

The Protector the Purpose of the Covering.

You will find a small 4-minute video on every site giving us a picture of the wilderness tabernacle. The video was produced by the Seventh Day Adventist, of which I am not a member. It is one of the first right-hand side widgets.  I do know that God requires one day to be set aside to honor HIM, read HIS word, fellowship with other believers, spend quality time with the family, being a witness to our children. The featured image is called the turmoil without a sabbath rest, seven points with seven days at each point, the most important, the largest, the one most neglected by man. The inside is confusing hard to maneuver. Finding rest is difficult.  Seven circles are entering into the week; the eighth is a teardrop as so many wish there was another day in the week for them. Well, they should have used the day… Read moreThe Protector the Purpose of the Covering.

Several Designs That Tell You Whom the Angels are not Taking With Them!


The following video from YouTube is a Man of God being confronted by those who are ignorant of the scriptures.  Clearly, the devil has hidden the word of God from them through the priesthood who claims knowledge of God but needs to control the word of God.  These children are not allowed to read the Bible themselves or to depend on the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal its truth.  Here they give their Church’s interpretation of what it says.  This man is making the mistake in not stating the obvious their Christ is anti-semite and ours is not! The paganism gives them away! Their god produces Nazism a social disorder and ours does not. The Jewish people represent the angels who faithfully kept the faith awaiting the SON of Man to take HIS place by HIS Father’s right hand in heaven. They did not go after the one with all the… Read moreSeveral Designs That Tell You Whom the Angels are not Taking With Them!

Miss Interpretation lead to Missed Representation It’s Germ Warfare – Part 1

I was told by a man at the time I had respect towards a Pastor and long-time old friend whom I stated in one of his services that I had won.  Jesus came to me and said, “tag your it.”  God showed me how this all started when I recognized the effigy of HIS SON in Egypt.  The reason why God refers to HIMSELF as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. My mission statement,  I have what I have because I found what I found,  because of who I am,  because HE is,  Who HE is. After blurting out I had won, the pastor informed me that I could not let others think I was better than them.  I cannot argue with the truth, though many more than I deny it. That was the furthest thing from my mind,  I know I am a sinner saved only by the… Read moreMiss Interpretation lead to Missed Representation It’s Germ Warfare – Part 1

Interceding for those who made poor life Choices.

This image has been used before in a post named “Congratulations, Abraham.  It’s a Boy!” The passage this points to can be found in counting the circles on the male upper torso.  Knowing the story is just as important.  In the old testament and the new only the men were counted, not the women or children.  So we can safely say that the smaller circles on the female mean we are not to count those circles the same for the male’s lower torso. They were made this way to show that the angels know the difference between sexes; they know many of you need help with that.  They are leaving behind the wicked and taking with them the righteous in the rapture of the Church.  Those left behind who even claimed to be Christian have or are doing something that offends God or them. Who would that be?  First, Jesus… Read moreInterceding for those who made poor life Choices.

A Closer Look at the TRINITY

The featured image is appropriately called the Sultan of Threes. This is not what God looks like; God is Spirit, and HIS SON looks exactly like us—known as the SON of Man. The very heart of God, worn on HIS sleeve to show us how much HE hates sin and loves us. Romans 3:23 KJV  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Let’s jump THREE chapters exactly ahead. Romans 6:23 KJV  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. In the end, I’ll give you the verses and break down the Sultan of threes for you all.  We try and make this easy to understand as the devil makes salvation look hard, and those who do become saved and reveal their knowledge of God must also display some superpower when all HE requires… Read moreA Closer Look at the TRINITY
