There is only one God and one mediator between man and God that is his SON. Whom angels refused to worship because for so many of them seeing was believing.
What is a mediator?
A mediator is someone who speaks on your behalf in the case of Christ it is HE who relates your repentant life to HIS Father. He is the HIGH priest that has all the treasure adorning HIM because of the value of HIS work. It was HIS sacrifice that made it possible for all of us who believe to enter into the house of God.
God is holy. holy, holy and HE will not allow rebellion and sin into his HOME.
The image below is picture of sin with its shards comprised of its selfish motives.
Jealousy, envy, and strife are among these shards there are 32 in all (Psalm 32:1-11) and “Do you know who I am” is among them, along with “Some people think the King James Version of the Bible is the only version of the Bible.” Now saying that is not a sin laughing at those who stand on God’s word, however, is.
To solicit a laugh from the congregation over the thee’s and the thou’s which got us to where we are today. In fact in Revelation 6:10 those brothers and sisters in Christ cry out for justice because of the people who martyred them and all they had was thee’s and thous’ while Pentecostals dance with the very system that tortured and killed them.
Yes, Pentecostalism is growing and it looks like the HOLY SPIRIT is on the move but there is no repentance, no remorse and Papists have taken America and Christians act as if they don’t care. The very institution that killed and tortured Christians in the past has taken America. God is telling us HE remembers her sins Revelation 18 why because there is no blood covering them they hide and pretend to be a part of the family and Pentecostals who claim they walk in light consider not the concerns of God or the lost souls among them believing that their priest is an intermediator.
Here is a picture of the problem with a man designed priesthood.
First off every place a pyramid community existed there was a king supported by a priesthood who served false gods and made the people into their servants. Good food, nice treats we don’t have to work we beat the curse. (Did you now?) Satan housed himself in these kings and was served by the priesthood ( we call this king of the hill position in heaven).
Jesus / God structured HIS so that when finished it would no longer be needed and the evil would be obviously exposed for those who would reinstate it.
The final sacrifice who is our HIGH Priest who made the way for us to go boldly into the throne of Grace and talk to Father directly.
In the wilderness tabernacle, the high priest offered sacrifices of animals this only pointed to the only acceptable sacrifice which was made once for all.
Jesus is God in the flesh and the only mediator to the Father the division takes place at the cross in the kingdom we do not like division, multiplication and adding is what it is all about.
Here’ the whole story in a gif feel free to copy and share.