Two ways Now to Lift Up Jesus and Save Souls Without Breaking Reeds

America was designed to set Captives free even though God’s word reveals the enemy never lets his captives go free,  then what is the purpose of a true Christian Church? The first was understanding the symbols of the battle built before man was created and finding them in Egypt, close to where they have a war right now, revealing that neither side may know God at all, do you? One side spent four hundred years as enslaved people doing operation cover-up. The other is understanding these…Do you have people you love and don’t want them to be left behind? Jesus gave the keys to Peter, but the key to getting into heaven is nailed to the cross who died to wash away our sins.  HE knew the second temple would be destroyed because of the enemy’s anger at his loss of souls.  Knowing the end from the beginning ,HE knew… Read moreTwo ways Now to Lift Up Jesus and Save Souls Without Breaking Reeds