My Only Son What would You Do for Yours?

If exposing darkness causes strife, to which side do you choose to defend?  The offspring of the harlot is easily revealed in the pagan lies she made that we carry into the Church and insist others accept.  One of us is wrong; it is usually the one who feels the strife and does not want to give up their false lie. Christians should rejoice in truth and not protect fables or doctrines of devils. This would clearly be where the root of evil was when Christ was Crucified here is where all the false gods gathered. Hard to be in one accord when foolishness fills the house of God. I was no doubt sent to warn of the gallows they intended to build for America using China. Can we discern who is using who, and are we talking about a black widow spider who kills her mate is China using… Read moreMy Only Son What would You Do for Yours?