Birds THREE they Be Delivering Light Unto Thee.

Would you please pardon my use of that difficult hard to understand King James English? Let me help you to understand it. There are 30 balls of light on our Menorah. Jesus was 30 when he began his ministry and 33 when crucified. He was ancient of days in the flesh and looked rather good for HIS age. The count altogether is 33.  Let’s look at the light first Psalm 30:1-12 look, and it’s about JESUS Psalm 30:3.…

Sharing the Light

Sharing the love of Jesus is part of the call of Christ. Let our light shine that the whole world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. The featured image is made up of several references to light and the lamps found in the wilderness tabernacle and within heaven.  The light does not belong to me alone, as it is meant for the whole world. However, some desire to use the light for nefarious purposes; they once had…

Einstein Said It “God Does Not Play Dice With The Universe”

Einstein was a great man and a Jewish man.  He failed in lifes equation because he failed to carry the one that mattered the most.   Don’t be a fool; this is a great opportunity. You do not have to weep and gnash one’s teeth in a universe that is set to be wiped out by the SUN, leaving a lake of fire. If GOD did place dice, you could be sure it will always come up HIS way.…

Angry With the Wicked all Day Long

There are 10 raised cuts x the eye of eight equals 80 subtract the pyramids that should have never been built the devil makes slaves of you. G-d’s HOLY lamps Lucifer once carried made these and are pointing us to Psalm 78:1-72 The angry eyes have pyramids inside the number 8, Eight is the number of perfection (Christ) that’s why Sanat has eight reindeer and not six. Think of me as Daniel Jackson who went through the Stargate…

Do this, Do that , Do the other thing.

We’re not listening until you can prove you carry the most high in you! These are the half holy ones. The work of God has not completed them because free will is the issue with them as well as it is here with us we see them asking HIS covering to do what he was not equipped to do. The younger ones keep snatching the microphone from him and would rather see magic tricks than hear the word.…

Stop Messing With Israel

The raised blast particles are 27 or two 77 the other seven make up the bomb 777. Psalm 27:1-14 (note 2×7 is 14) This works out really well when rightly dividing the word of God. Psalm 14:1-7 (14/2=7) we will divide the world and destroy the wicked using Israel as the Standard, God’s woman who gave us a SON. 27 plus the bombs seven sections places us at the final and third Psalm 34:1-22 Psalm 34:7. God is…

The Sun is Setting the Day Ending

The cross the mind of Christ points to the west responsible for our technology and the ability to get the matter out, Benjamin is furthest west sets up camp as a covering above his nephews half Egyptian, half Hebrew Manasseh, and Ephraim. Could be that a son of yours is one of the 144,000 bloodlines have crossed. As Christians, we are grafted into the vine. Save anything up for their stay here? We are looking west into Egypt…

UpdateWinnowing Fan

A fan is used when beating the wheat the heavy grains fall below the fan and the chaff gets blown into the fire.  No one likes the parts that cannot sustain us. This particular fan has a witness to its appearance there are 409 crop circles that make it up. 409 makes a great all-purpose cleaner but it cannot wash away your sins only the blood of Christ can do that. Also 409 chapters into the Bible we…

A Crown of Thorns

12 thorny points 6 inner to make up the weave that’s  18 John 18 talks about his arrest and how HIS kingdom is not of this world and neither is mine or those who have been called. Inside the center, there is a spiritual one as well kind of like us you can’t see the Spirit but you know HE’s there. 18 plus 12 places us in Psalm 30:1-12 emphasis on verse 3. The beauty of this is…

The Bread of Life

The shewbread at the altar was square we have images of the containers that carried it. The numbers are fractions when added together it takes us to the numbers in the Bible that Jesus calls himself the bread of life. John 6:48 Eat this bread (HIM) and you will never hunger for any other spiritual food sources. Jesus satisfies and is filling.  You won’t fall for the ones that the agents of Shield need to keep a close…

The Star-ship Resurrection

The image is a ship made to appear as a pyramid over a stargate; the ship’s four points are suspended by the commandments at the top of God’s list; there are two engines on the ship 4 is usually the multiplier, so (4 x 2 = 8). Psalm 8:1-9 tells us who made the heavens that we are headed towards in the resurrection. It mentions the moon and stars -Thank You Jesus. The video reveals more if you…

The Hall of Doors – Escaping the Matrix

The message of the battle was in this franchise of films, truth be told this is not the movies but the reality of heaven and hell has always been true. The movie has a Trinity an Oracle, Doors, and only one door that leads to heaven, the passages we find have these same words including Awakenings, Gatekeepers, and Key Holders. The raised sections tiles on the floor are 23 in all. Who doesn’t know Psalm 23?  Here we…

Filling the Emptiness

The raised section is thirteen parts, and the flattened sections are fourteen. Psalm 13:1-6, Psalm 14:1-7 added they bring us to Psalm 27:1-14 find God in the New Testament which has 27 books, and the first four is HIM wearing HIS heart for the world to see. So how does one fill that empty spot? For the most part, some do drugs, some drink, some play loud music to keep their conscience from speaking. They try to ignore…

Verily Verily Enforcing The Message.

In John 3:3 Jesus makes it clear how one is to get into heaven or can even see it.  Verily, verily can be translated into Truly,  truly or Surely, surely. This duplication is God’s confirmation that this needs to happen in order for the miracle to take place. Duplication in scripture is not a coincidence it’s confirmation making sure that we understand the message. History repeats itself because the two who are battling it out over us never change. Who will not enter into heaven. Psa 14:1  To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psa 14:2  The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. Psa 14:3  They are all… Read moreVerily Verily Enforcing The Message.