Jesus Never Lied – That means there is a place for sinners.

The reason behind Christmas is to reconcile sinners back to God. Jesus could not ever tell a lie because of who lies are from. He was the truth personified. In the end, he cast truth to the ground to practice and prosper by reason of the daily sacrifice Daniel 8:12 Jesus did not have to practice the truth; HE is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the Life. The image below has seven arms of half-eaten Eucharists (Angelic hosts) with eight whole ones following behind surrounding the older ones to throw the enemy into the bottomless pit; aiding them is the seven arrows representing the seven churches of Revelation that the angels stand over. 7 x 8 = 56 Psalm 56:1-2. We do not counterfeit what is not valuable, and the same goes for the spiritual. Christ’s love is real and HE desires that none should perish. Hiding the word of… Read moreJesus Never Lied – That means there is a place for sinners.