Crooked Arrows Miss the Target

You get zigzag, boomerang, stop dead in the front, skirt around the target it never wounds the enemy they are not showing mercy but disobedience. The devil has warped the arrows to protect him and his followers,  the arrows claim the enemy is Christian too and so they are no good to me they have no discernment, they have sharp tips and superpowers supposedly handed them by our divine LORD and there HIS effigy remains in the dirt. They reject the truth for the lie that ROME cares about them and all the pantheon of false gods in ROME said amen. With 66 books of the Bible and the sixth book in the new testament is ROMANS to help us understand what were the odds of that out of 27 new testament books the SIXTH BOOK is Romans Christianity has all the answers? Just got to know where to find… Read moreCrooked Arrows Miss the Target