Not a Co-inky Dink 3366 or 6336 spotting answers in 666.

Here is a new lesson plan with talking points for groups Lifting Jesus 101. The sixth commandment is “Thou shalt not kill” on the sixth-day man was created, man’s time is closing he has had his 6000 years to establish his kingdoms. The featured image is that of Dick Cheney gloating to our Protestant Queen of England their plan has worked they are now in control of it all and sadly American’s are un aware of what they are doing and what comes next with the removal of American freedom. We did not do justice for the Children of ABRAHAM after WWII like what ROME did to Christians, we only turned the water down and make it comfortable to swim in just to turn it up gradually again and kill the righteous in Christ and the Jewish people. The number thirty-three is a significant number in the word of God… Read moreNot a Co-inky Dink 3366 or 6336 spotting answers in 666.