HE Will Complete the Work HE Began in You Follow the Evidence.

This message is meant more for the believer than the unbeliever,  but if you are an unbeliever you should know most of us once were.  To catch up to speed and find God in the Universe we lay two challenges before you. One has been placed up by K-Love Radio that challenges you to listen to their station for thirty days. My challenge is more from God and hands-on inspired and only takes 21 days. After 21 days you will know what all the fuss is about.   2+1 we know is three FATHER,  SON and left with us on the Earth is the HOLY SPIRIT in Chapter 21 Peter hauls in 153 fish when each number is multiplied by the power of three it adds back up to 153. In the Bible, I call that a God thing. The featured image is the seven churches the seven angels taking… Read moreHE Will Complete the Work HE Began in You Follow the Evidence.