19th Anniversary Never Forget the Lives Lost to Defend Us and Open Our Eyes

Some material is linked to my Amazon account, you will not be charged more; I may get a small portion only if it reaches its maximum monthly payout. All Eight sites are supported by my income. I do not advertise or sell ad space or use the Google Adwords program. My rewards are in, heaven with the souls that are won through these sites. I hope you become one of them if not already a brother or sister. It was only COVID 19 years ago that the twin towers were taken down in NEW YORK City, which seems to be the worst city of our present Pandemic where most lives are affected by it.  Is it more influential against certain segments of our population? Why are American’s being hardest hit by it, whereas the epicenter (where it began)  China is not? See for yourself COVID-19-realtime-map. 9/11 is the opposite of… Read more19th Anniversary Never Forget the Lives Lost to Defend Us and Open Our Eyes