Heaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions

Featured image by iStockPhoto.com/Sorbetto I could never be a Doctor, I can not stand the sight of blood and broken bones make me squeamish. Two careers that are unnecessary in heaven are doctors and lawyers. They are here,  we know Luke was a doctor but he cared for the truth and spoke the language of life to be one today you need to know the language of death LATIN, take it from a person with the initials Babel it is not a language born in the heavens. It was used to create a cast system that has flourished to this day. All that is wrong with the world has its roots in this language. I am just shining a light on a system that brought us here. The pen is the sword and the word the power. The eternal soul is more important than the temporary flesh that carries it,… Read moreHeaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions