Loose Lips Sink Ships and Here’s Hoping.

Prepare the Way · Loose Lips Sink Ships and Here is Hoping Do you understand Saints the world is not run by God-fearing saints but by unbelievers and some who think we are nuts? A pastor said to his Sunday night school class that if anyone takes issue with Santa, just smile, nod your head, and walk away. That is what heathens who love Santa do to us real Christians when we discuss God. I always felt we had something better to offer the Pagans, so where is it if Sanat is sitting in your sanctuary giving half of holy, holy, holy on what was chosen as the holiest night of the year? One church seeks to exalt itself above all others who came up with Saint Nicholas; it is one who maintains a system Jesus no longer needed. It proves they do not know him and may never know… Read moreLoose Lips Sink Ships and Here’s Hoping.