619 is better than 19 without the 6 here is why.

First, I want to thank whoever did this image; it is a million-dollar Jewell, and the center Jewell is the Pearl of Great Price. He is known as the SON of GOD, and God loves HIS SON that Father gave HIM the Universe as HIS inheritance because of HIS obedience to keeping the law of God. It was man who tried and convicted HIM placing HIM on the cross. It was UNJUST on man’s part by every sense of the word. It was beneficial to those who would believe on HIM for they shall be called the children of God HE came first for the Jewish people and extended it to the Gentiles, the pagan cultures who gladly received HIM and turned from their false gods and found the true and only God. Except for ONE distinguishable group who keeps the truth away from all the others. Sadly, those who… Read more619 is better than 19 without the 6 here is why.