Still think my plan is better.

I have watched every end-time video that has ever been made, having been involved in a Christian Film Festival for over twenty years.   Every one of them is lacking the whole truth. When talking to the brothers and sisters in Christ, I always commented on the fact that the Antichrist does not know he is the Antichrist until  God is ready to reveal it to him. This went back to 1982, and I was unaware that the Heavenly Father was doing Mutly impersonations every time I said it. Isn’t it God who decides whom he will place?  He rises up one and takes down another, and why do so many Christians not trust him? The first end time movie  I ever saw was at a Baptist Church drive-in. Done in the Church parking lot where my Christian fiancee and I had a date.  The following clip stands out a hip… Read moreStill think my plan is better.