The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 Made the Appointed Times List

On November 5, 1605, a plot to blow up Parliament along with King James had been foiled when they discovered a hired Catholic assassin came to England; I am even surprised there was such a thing within the church. I don’t see the love of Christ in that at all? It was a plot conceived by the Jesuits of that day. Today they are more organized with infiltration and subversion into the Protestant churches and offices in America. You cannot change the nature of a shark or remove the spots from a leopard. They may promise not to eat you or kill you, but a shark is a shark it only knows to deceive and cheat others of life. Hey look we are for pro-life, we have hospitals, but make sure you pay our reasonable bills and buy our prescribed medications. We will offer you last rights, but until then… Read moreThe Gunpowder Plot of 1605 Made the Appointed Times List

John D. Rockefeller Another for the Appointed Times List.

“If they see the serpent held up on a staff, will they not look to be healed?” ~ Abel The appointed time’s list began with Father catching my attention with the noted Physicists Stephen Hawking who denied God existed; it was not a casual denial; it was adamant and constant.  His death came on the same day Albert Einstein was born 3.14 I do not believe as a Christian in coincidences, so I looked closer into the matter.  We know Jesus has the keys to hell and death Hawking’s numbers pointed directly to Psalm 131:1 this Psalm coincidently says there is one God revealed in three persons but still one God 131. It is truly wonderful to have a relationship with such a marvelous and wonderful God. I then tried a couple of others who were blasphemers deniers and atheist only to find God had their number and the last… Read moreJohn D. Rockefeller Another for the Appointed Times List.

RMS Titanic made the Appointed Times List

On that fateful day, both rich and poor perished together with a total of 1514 souls taken into eternity. Out of 2224, only 710 were saved Psalm 7:10. I could have used Psalm 15:1-4 or Psalm 22:24, but I do not see the purpose of stating the obvious. I do not believe that it was the hand of God in heaven but that of the work of the wicked one thinking he to be a god. Known to us as the god of this world and not the one Christ came from. If indeed the words were spoken that God himself could not sink her, it was not HE trying to prove HE could; It was the other seeking to lay blame on God. Knowing the end from the beginning, God knew what would happen on that day.  The Psalm warns rich and poor alike; there is a day of… Read moreRMS Titanic made the Appointed Times List