September 9/11 Makes the Appointed Times List

God tells us in HIS word that HE knows the end from the beginning. What happens in this century is revealed in scripture, from the death of Stephen Hawking to those who were vocal in denouncing HIM and rejecting HIS SON the word of God is living and active in our world today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The purpose of my call is to reveal HIS love for us all. HE wants to snatch you away from the hand of HIS enemy and show HE is worthy of all Honor,  Glory, and Praise of which HE is. The lost do not believe there is a hell or a God to be held accountable too. Christians know that it is true there is a judgment, and they have escaped it by the accepting the gift of forgiveness found only at the cross. September 9/11 was a reverse… Read moreSeptember 9/11 Makes the Appointed Times List