Another for the Appointed Times List – Adolph Hitler

Faithful Christians and Jewish people know this name; it is synonymous with the devil to others, which is beyond my comprehension that he was a leader sadly missed. At the end of this post, I do his appointed time what lies between is how America decided his form of government was our role model to present Christ with when HE returns. Proverbs 4:14  Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Genocide of any people is morally a wrong path no matter what you may believe. How can people live together in peace and not see another race as an enemy? What will you do with the plethora of diverse angels and creatures in heaven? Does free will stop being free when we get there? When God tried to teach HIS angels about death, HE started with the dinosaur, with their… Read moreAnother for the Appointed Times List – Adolph Hitler