You Don’t Know Jack (Rubenstein)!

This man was ashamed of his heritage or he was being honest to why he and his brothers changed their last name to Ruby because it was easier to spell.  This Jewish raised Jack would have us all believe he loved an Irish Catholic President. This was the deep south and in 1963 there were still signs that said whites only, things might have gone better for all if the Mandate of Christ to HIS church had been honored by those who claimed to love HIM and they fed HIS sheep HE tasked Peter to do just that and only that which meant not being a stumbling block but a stepping stone. You are without excuse oh man of God who disguises your wickedness with joy and embraces the enemies of God who would hide the truth and deceive multitudes by claiming they are Christian it is you who are… Read moreYou Don’t Know Jack (Rubenstein)!

Iron or Clay there is no other Way and Which are You?

In the final kingdoms of man there is a breaking away from the legs of iron who have been ruling over the people who do not bend their knee or honor God’s word, each claims a place in the Christian faith but both have never known HIM.  They act as if HE never came and is the SON of God. They reject what HE teaches revealing they never knew HIM well enough to see the purpose of his work. Which is to set the captives free from the hand of the prince of darkness. Who throughout history used a priesthood to enslave people Jesus set HIS up so that it would no longer be needed after the best sacrifice was given.  We who are Born Again are of the Royal Priesthood only Christ is greater than we.  We must inspect the sacrifice and determined it was acceptable and when we… Read moreIron or Clay there is no other Way and Which are You?