Will Jesus Find Faith in the Earth When HE Returns?

The foolish virgins are playing church the oil in their lamps is not full; it has been defiled and watered down with delusion.  How can one tell?  By whom they have chosen as their dance partner. They claim to have the spirit, but even at the last minute, they cannot for the life of them understand who the harlot is? Their favorite dance is more like a march a goosestepping of the feet and legs, as they say, hail Papa or Holy Father not caring for the bondage that their followers are in all their works denies the work of Christ. The wise virgins are trimming their wicks and preparing to meet the bridegroom the oil they are drawing from is pure and undefiled; it does not leave them in the dark on matters of the spirit. They can see God cleverly dressed his dragon that the other foolish virgins… Read moreWill Jesus Find Faith in the Earth When HE Returns?

Does Christ need Spies in HIS own Church Today?

Now here is a job that has no place in God’s kingdom, so why do we have them here? More than likely, they are working for the other team. It is one of the reasons the angels and I refer to them as the Crispies. Galatians 2:4  And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: One of the reasons Christ allowed the Jewish priesthood to be scattered and dissolved in that it no longer offers sacrifice the job was finished and the only reason for his priesthood was to offer the sacrifice. The church was doing fine up until the devil brought it back. There are 14 verses in the Bible dealing with the word spies and two of them are in the new testament one refers… Read moreDoes Christ need Spies in HIS own Church Today?