Getting the Message “The Sending Devices”

The original message did not have any images it was sent as a puzzle to be decoded by charting it with prime numbers so a grid pattern could be formed and the images extrapolated. The actual signal was just a series of ones and zeros shown below. The graph shows you the same thing only the 1’s are darkened squares. I am glad this is not the way God communicates with us. Can you imagine had the returned message been zeros and ones no one would have deciphered it. The aliens on M13 or on the way there could certainly be able to figure this out??? After all, they have UFO’s right?  Which means they discovered flight after discovering the periodic table and the wheel then built factories,  had cars,  shopping malls if they never had any wars they would not need flying machines?   No rocket program because intelligent people… Read moreGetting the Message “The Sending Devices”