Getting the Message Part 4 “The Double Helix”

In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix the molecules that are the foundations of life that every creature and plant on the planet contains in order to self replicate. We are going to see that God can pack a lot of information into DNA, not just your hair color or eye color. By 1974 which was only twenty-one years later man is transmitting his cave drawings into space showing what he has learned about himself. The original signal sent looked like this… It is not a random pattern it is said to have a structure that an intelligent civilization could decipher. Looking for an intelligent life apart from God is the problem all civilizations would have.  The whole purpose for creating life was for HIM to have a relationship. Don’t you like puzzles? The one above would be extremely challenging only God could figure it… Read moreGetting the Message Part 4 “The Double Helix”