Knowledge of Good and Evil

Tree of knowledge

The tree has 94 fruit positions which is the atomic number for Plutonium and points to Psalm 94:1-23   It was Christmas 2008 when Jesus spoke to me that it was ending he was shutting it down making the point “that they learn nothing.”   All because of a Mormon relative of mine who at a Yankee swap wanted to trade my gift “The Word of Promise” for a bottle of booze. A Mormon wanted alcohol?!? It does not matter what faith you may claim to belong to.  If you do not know Jesus, you do not know God. It is Jesus within the true believer that reconciles us back to God it is His Holy Spirit in us that leads and guides us to all truth and keeps us from harm if we are willing to listen. Alcohol is part of the death mechanism built into this world; it cannot… Read moreKnowledge of Good and Evil