Great News for Team Leaders and Wedding Planners Wherever You May Be.

Zephyr now has an App so that tasks can be handled from your cell phone without having to log into the websites directly. So if your group leader knows he needs to schedule buses or set up a day at a theme park or bring in reinforcements to man the burger grills he can set up the tasks and alert his group of things to be done. Call me old fashioned but those Seven’s just spoke to me when I opted for this to be used in the seven sites.  This site and our other sites use… Zephyr Project Manager by Dylan J. Kotze Click the text link or image to get the app on Google Play. Preparing the wedding rehearsal’s for the bride of Christ is going to take a concerted effort in all arena’s no one should be left out.  Get out of the denominational mindset this if for JESUS… Read moreGreat News for Team Leaders and Wedding Planners Wherever You May Be.

Whats Up with the HO’s?

Not the Huggy Bear kind but these Ho’s the half holy ones that got us into this mess, to begin with! You may have noticed many of my pages have the HO HO HO message built within.  For those who are unaware that there are angels whose only purpose in heaven is to fly around the throne room of God crying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Revelation 4:8  And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Four is half of eight, eight is the number of completion new heavens new earth.   Four-letters make up holy and three times makes our significant twelve. If we factor into the six wings each we have our perfect 24 or 888 new heavens… Read moreWhats Up with the HO’s?

Angels We Have Heard On HIGH Not From Aliens

The confusion between them is common it usually has to do with respect of God verses disrespecting God. Those who seek to deny a creator and one to be accountable too usually go with the Alien theory which is easy to do if one sides with the darkness and not the light. I have issues with the idea of Aliens and at the end, I reveal why it is impossible. The featured image is not an alien with a space suit.  I used this image on my Contact page header.  In past,  posts I named this one the Sultan of threes. The image is made up of 18 equal sections divided by 3 which can be written as 3 x 6 or 666 the end of days. The one world leader comes to judge the earth of sin it is sin that summoned him. The eyes and the nose are revealing HOLY,… Read moreAngels We Have Heard On HIGH Not From Aliens