
There is only one God and one mediator between man and God that is his SON. Whom angels refused to worship because for so many of them seeing was believing. What is a mediator? A mediator is someone who speaks on your behalf in the case of Christ it is HE who relates your repentant life to HIS Father. He is the HIGH priest that has all the treasure adorning HIM because of the value of HIS work. It was HIS sacrifice that made it possible for all of us who believe to enter into the house of God. God is holy. holy, holy and HE will not allow rebellion and sin into his HOME. The image below is picture of sin with its shards comprised of its selfish motives. Jealousy,  envy, and strife are among these shards there are 32 in all (Psalm 32:1-11) and “Do you know who I… Read moreRe-Cap