Stay away from this fruit.

Genesis 2:16-17  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  (17)  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Below is today’s proper English now that we have knowledge. Genesis 2:16-17  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat:  (17)  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. It is a long complicated process to be able to interpret the thee’s,  thou’s, the shalts and ests of scripture. It was not some enzyme in the fruit that cursed us it was simply disobedience to the HOLY WORD of God…. Read moreStay away from this fruit.


There is only one God and one mediator between man and God that is his SON. Whom angels refused to worship because for so many of them seeing was believing. What is a mediator? A mediator is someone who speaks on your behalf in the case of Christ it is HE who relates your repentant life to HIS Father. He is the HIGH priest that has all the treasure adorning HIM because of the value of HIS work. It was HIS sacrifice that made it possible for all of us who believe to enter into the house of God. God is holy. holy, holy and HE will not allow rebellion and sin into his HOME. The image below is picture of sin with its shards comprised of its selfish motives. Jealousy,  envy, and strife are among these shards there are 32 in all (Psalm 32:1-11) and “Do you know who I… Read moreRe-Cap

Meet MR. Bee the Mascot over at

You cannot enter into a land flowing with milk and honey without the bee. The word for community in Hebrew is edah, which also means beehive. This word conveys the way a hive of bees live and work together with a common identity. Bees have no concern for themselves, but only for the hive. So it should be with the communities of God. The Jewish people are loved and chosen by G-d to reveal that there is only one G-d and as a Christian, I can say I truly know HIM and not since Daniel has anyone read the handwriting on the wall so well. With such little time left to me to accomplish peace in the middle east, I cannot draft a declaration better than the one given to me by G-d that is why the best campaign before resurrection is a vote for me is a vote for Jesus. An… Read moreMeet MR. Bee the Mascot over at

Confronting the Obvious Darkness in US

Matthew 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so I am told.   It is by faith you are saved not that of works. However, it is work that paves the road to hell, is it not? ” Lord did we not do this in your name?” while the weightier matters of the word are neglected. How will we as true believers win Muslims and Jews to the true G-d of scripture? You know the one who gives the oil that makes the system flow,  righteously?   How can you help them if you are dancing with the idolators and hiding the word of G-d as they do?   While feeling superior to others whilst standing behind the pulpit,  while you drag many back… Read moreConfronting the Obvious Darkness in US

The worlds of Illusion, Delusion and Confusion

If you watch closely at the above header it is one that I placed up at  on the Kingdom Builders page these people are not interested in building a Kingdom for Jesus the Son of the Most  High G-d. As you can see they expect him to come back and find the same evil empire we defeated nearly 70 years ago. You know the one that sister Corrie Ten-Boom was a victim of,  worse than that all of the descendants of Mary and Joseph were targeted the very people who gave us the word of G-d and who Jesus longed to gather as a Hen gathers its chicks in its wings. With HIM HE was revealing how HE wanted to protect them. Even knowing how they would reject HIM. What the devil meant for evil G-d meant for good and it is always been that way. From the fall to the… Read moreThe worlds of Illusion, Delusion and Confusion

He leaves the 99 to seek that one!

Friend, let me ask you a question where are you headed? Not in this life a career or family but at the end of the road.   For some that could be tomorrow. For many it is today.  Some are entering into a continued relationship with their creator or one that is non-existent because they just couldn’t be bothered to know the truth. The truth is… That is why we were here,  for that very purpose alone. To enjoy our G-d and take pleasure in HIM. For the cad and the man of a debased mind he tries out all the gods and never finds his true love or he is aware of his true love but tells HIM when I am done with the others, I will come to you.   If it were a woman or a man depending on your own DNA structure they would tell you to take a hike. … Read moreHe leaves the 99 to seek that one!

Tuesday’s with Morty

As a truck driver, I have plenty of time to listen to great Bible teachers and worship music,  recently I heard the book on Audio “Tuesday’s with Morrie”. It is a well read and sold book but it lacks a major truth,  when it is supposed to be dealing with death and that is it lacks the name that one must call upon to be saved. Morrie may have not gone into heaven if he was not listed in the LAMB’s book of life just by the fact he did not see the importance of Christ.  His life though well lived was lost if he did not call upon Christ as his savior and Lord. Einstein died an idiot if he died without Christ. We are here because the bad angels rejected the Son, we are encouraged by G-d to receive Jesus as our sin offering and invite him into… Read moreTuesday’s with Morty

We Have a New Mascot Over At

Let me introduce you to Rudy the Red Nosed Owl. Owls have been known to be a symbol of wisdom and there is none wiser than King Jesus, not King Solomon as some would have you believe. They just don’t know how to rightly divide the word of G-d. Pride keeps them from admitting it. We are called to Love the “Lord with all our Heart mind and Soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves.”  The way we would like to be loved. ” When it comes to love it should be the very soul we are to love.  Which means we do not wish to mock or ridicule G-d or HIS word or change it to suit our lusts and pleasures. Rudy has a theme song you probably already know the tune and we all like sing-alongs. With Christmas Coming, I just thought you would all like to know what… Read moreWe Have a New Mascot Over At