Operation Glass Cleaner

1 Corinthians 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. In every battle, a series of operations may take place engineered by the high-ranking officials within the military. Given names like Operation Desert Storm,  Operation Rolling Thunder, Operation Iraqi Freedom and the list goes on.   The following is from an article found at ranker.com The troops are only privy to the matter the night before it is carried out and not sooner as to not let it fall into the enemies hands. In G-d’s war against sin we could safely name it,  “Operation Know Thy SON’s Value”. The lamps that made the crop circles are the same ones LUCIFER carried before the fall. Lamps are light from the throne of G-d they came with the rest of our orders, … Read moreOperation Glass Cleaner

The Interrupter

An interrupter in electrical engineering is a device used to interrupt the flow of a steady direct current for the purpose of converting a steady current into a changing one. ~ Wiki Show us signs and wonders,  but do not speak let not the word come forth??? For doing so would allow a direct flow of truth to powerful for mere mortals to handle. Several months ago I was taking advantage that one interrupter or commonly known to me as the devil’s advocate was not among us at the men’s breakfast one Saturday morning. I proceeded to take advantage and share with the group the power of TRUTH and LOVE the two strongest forces in creation.  Every revival starts with a message and a speaker anointed to deliver that message. As I was explaining to the men about Love and Truth when a dear brother whom I love began to want to steer the time in another… Read moreThe Interrupter