A Just and Fair G-d We Serve.

The image shows scales and scales represent balance here the balance is in the shape of an Eight we count only the raised sections, sections connected count as one those are the springs. Total sections eight 4/4 G-d allowed perfection to split.   Eight split at the cross one turning his back on the other gives us 33 which would not have been necessary if we did not ask G-d to reveal HIS SON to us.  To do so, HE created the material world 4/4 is Heaven and Earth because of evil existing in free will.  It is at the cross perfection splits the other way. Psalm 4:1-8, (+4) Psalm 8:1-9 Now the other side  (+4) Psalm  12:1-8,  (+4) Psalm 16:1-11 The Yin and Yang is the law of reciprocity in action we reap what we sew, and no one seems to be running to bring G-d delight in lifting HIS SON… Read moreA Just and Fair G-d We Serve.