Naming Demons

Is it important to know who you are dealing with it or can you just be filled with G-d’s HOLY SPIRIT place the word of G-d in your heart and not even give them a second thought? I do want to say this about the video that was made dealing with the Kundalini spirit concerning the Toronto awakening or revival and the one where people were behaving like animals were more for my benefit to see clearly to what FATHER is doing,  I see what my FATHER is doing so I do it too. Most people who grow up in Christian homes never experience the full-on possession many people in the world do.  One of the things G-d is going to do is seal these demons in their perspective chariots for the final battle. Romans 9:21-24 (21)  Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel… Read moreNaming Demons