Thrown from the Scent

In the pursuit of G-d, we are constantly thwarted by well-meaning individuals who should either wait on G-d to reveal the truth of a subject rather than insist they know it. The answers we seek are within the scriptures and by observing the evidence and world around us.   G-d has placed all the actors on the stage to tell HIS STORY! Problem is everyone wants to be the director. Take our dear brother Kent Hovind who would have humanity believe that Dinosaurs / Dragons were created in the same week of G-d creating man.   After the fall of man, things must have got out of control a great part of our oil supply comes from these huge monsters that once roamed the earth only 6000 years ago. I believe the scriptures reveal they were here before the creation of man,  given the nature of our G-d. Some that survived the earth’s increase in… Read moreThrown from the Scent