The Purpose of a Covering Cherub

A covering is worn in order to protect us from the harsh environments that come at us. The image below is of a Jellyfish with seven nodules connected by seven joints (the flattened sections) with seven tentacles it has a covering it’s dome that is safe to touch and get close to without getting near its deadly tentacles. Let’s call everything below the dome the HOLINESS of G-d 777.  To approach G-d one needs a covering in the case of the Christian we have Christ ‘s atoning blood to protect us from the tentacles who’s purpose is to destroy Sin. A society cannot function with a rebellious heart or people. Today we can look around the world and see the effects of SIN. Because of this HOLINESS, HE cannot allow sin into heaven, and HIS HOLINESS will surely destroy those who come to him without any covering.  I named this the Jamaican man O… Read moreThe Purpose of a Covering Cherub